Monday, March 17, 2003
March 17, 2003
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to one and all. This has always been one of my favorite holidays. Bought some Irish Soda Bread to go with the big Irish meal (corned beef and cabbage) that Marlene is preparing for tonight. Exciting Biannual Business Meeting last night. Jane Jacob elected Deaconess of Hospitality. Ed Enstrom shared a very positive financial report. Excellent Communications Team report by Rob Gaskill. Mark Todd described the renovation campaign that will A) enclose the portico and create a large entry area between the east and west wings, B) convert the Resource Center into a new ABF room plus a brand-new nursery for crawlers, C) tear out the gym stage to create two floors of classrooms and offices, D) air condition the west wing, E) add new electrical service, F) completely renovate the gym with a new floor, new lights, new walls, plus a sound system and video equipment making it truly multipurpose year-round. We could then use the gym for seminars, special events, large youth ministry events, and possibly overflow seating for a simulcast worship service from the sanctuary.
These changes will directly help building access, people movement, adult ministry, our nursery space, the children’s ministry and our youth ministry. I like it because it converts unused and under-used space to direct ministry usage. Estimated total cost: $1.9 million. We hope to get final numbers in several weeks, have informational meetings soon thereafter, and a congregational vote in late April, with work to begin (if all goes well) in June. The whole project could be done in four or five months. Stay tuned for more information soon. Tomorrow I am doing a live interview on the Toccoa Falls Network from 11:15-11:45 AM Central Time. The program is called “Round the Country” with Lillian Cash. It airs on 30+ stationS.