Monday, March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
8:13 AM Later today I plan to post a few further thoughts about “The Passion of the Christ.” We filled the theater for the special Calvary showing on Saturday afternoon. Afterwards 175 people joined us for the fellowship/discussion time at the church. Between Saturday night and Sunday morning, we gave away 500 copies of “The Passion of Jesus Christ” by John Piper. Howard Duncan plans to order more copies this week. Many of the questions on Saturday night dealt with the role of Satan in the movie, and also some discussion of various Catholic elements. I plan to address those issues and add a few comments about the controversy the film has stirred up in the mainstream media and what we should learn from it. 8:12 AM The Costa Rica team arrived home last night. Here are the latest pictures from their trip. 8:11 AM Caleb Lucien shares some good news from Haiti.