Monday, July 5, 2004
July 5, 2004
11:45 AM Monday morning shout-out to Greg and Carolyn and Christine and Katie and Stephanie and Jonathan Kirscher. Great to see them in church yesterday after returning from a term of missionary service in Jos, Nigeria. A big “Go Navy!” shout-out Rick Todd who was in uniform and in church yesterday. He sure looked great. He goes back Charleston, SC today where he is studying to be part of the “nuclear Navy.” 11:39 AM I’ve had two excellent bike rides this weekend. On Saturday morning, more or less on a whim, I decided to ride Lake Street east into Chicago. That’s a fun ride because most of it goes directly under the el tracks. I eventually rode all the way into Chicago where I rode under the el tracks like that scene in The Blues Brothers. Then I rode back to Oak Park on Madison Street, right past the United Center. Today I intended to ride north across the Kennedy Expressway and then ride the North Branch Trail, but when I came to Irving Park Blvd., I rode east all the way to Lake Michigan. Then I rode the Lakeshore Drive Trail for a few miles, then pedaled over to Wrigley Field (I rode all the way around the ballpark), then I took Sheffield south past DePaul University, through the heart of Lincoln Park (saw lots of bikers and runners and walkers out and about), down to North Avenue, which I rode west back to Oak Park. Ended up riding 31.5 miles today. 1692 miles YTD. 11:39 AM Last night Caleb Fields and Tolee Chang came over to watch the Cubs-Sox game with Mark and Nick. Only one person was happy at the end—and it wasn’t Mark, Nick or Tolee. 11:38 AM Happy July 5th! Well, why not? For most people, this is still a holiday.