Monday, July 25, 2005
July 25, 2005
12:20 PM The latest entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called Where Do I Go to Drop Off My Sin? 11:14 AM Here’s a fascinating article that probes the connection between the John Roberts nomination to the Supreme Court and the Scopes Trial 80 years ago. 10:32 AM A big Monday shout-out Fred and Judy (Hester) Bodie and their children Brandon and Joy Beth. When I was growing up in Russellville, Alabama, the Hesters lived just down the hill and through the woods from our house in the Woodland Hills subdivision. Judy dated my older brother Andy in high school, and Andy later introduced Fred and Judy. The Bodies live in Mobile, Alabama where Fred is a medical doctor. They were in Chicago for a medical meeting and attended the 11:30 AM service at Calvary. Judy knew my parents very well and she mentioned them both yesterday. I’m still smiling about that this morning. 10:31 AM The Rapture Index now stands at 150. 8:10 AM Would you like to explore the world of Christian weblogs? Do you have lots of time on your hands? Check out the list of member blogs in the Blogdom of God. It tracks entries from 4500 Christian weblogs. 8:07 AM Blog facts … According to the Technorati website, there are 14 million weblogs in existence, up from 100,000 two years ago. They say that 80-100,000 new blogs are created every day, or about one every second. The blogosphere doubles every five months. Have you joined the revolution yet?