Monday, Janaury 3, 2005
January 3, 2005
1:41 PM Monday shout-out to Nick Wilson, Donna Pitts, Barbara Beall Mauri, Carolyn Wheeler, Jason Rauser, and to Bennie Cooper in Seguin, Texas. 1:27 PM When I got to my office today, I found a plastic bag on my desk from John and Margaret Warner. It was full of chocolate Moon Pies. I can’t think of a better way to begin the week. 1:26 PM Josh has posted some new pictures from China, including photos from a New Year’s celebration with the students at his school. 1:18 PM Just heard from Phyllis Raad that Minnie Fahler died this morning at her daughter’s home in Pennsylvania. Minnie had been part of our church for almost sixty years. Every Sunday I would stop and say hi to Minnie and Shirley Banta and Helen Scharama and Gloria Ahlenius before the start of traditional worship service. Although she had a painful cancer, Minnie never complained. She has gone to heaven and we rejoice. Her memory brings a smile to my face. 1:16 PM We leave for China in 10 days. We’re definitely in the final countdown mode. Marlene went out this morning to buy some things we’re taking with us to give to Josh.