Monday, February 2, 2004
February 2, 2004
11:11 PM In case you didn’t know, we have an active discussion board that includes a lively section called “Ask Pastor Ray.” The board has been running for about six years, and tonight I actually answered a few questions—which will shock the people who read “Ask Pastor Ray” regularly because it’s been a while since I’ve made a contribution. But whether I write anything or not, the discussions are always stimulating. You are invited to drop by and see for yourself. 11:09 PM The Internet has turned the world into a true global village. Just received the following e-mail:
Hi. My names Laura. I’m from Whangarei in NZ and I was told that you do really good sermons! A mate (David) said that you could send them out weekly…… that would be phat if you could. I miss out on going to church sometimes because I play sport on Sunday, so it would be good to feel like I’m still getting challenged from a pastor. New thoughts are all good. Cheers.
I’ve never been to New Zealand (though I’d love to visit someday), and have never met David except through e-mail. So welcome, Laura, to the weekly sermon list. 11:01 PM Here is an updated list of our military personnel. If you have other Calvary-related names to add to the list, send me an e-mail. Robert Schuler told me that his son Robert will be shipping out to Iraq in the next three days. He’ll spent 45 days in Kuwait, then will be assigned to guard the convoys heading north from the Persian Gulf. That makes the war seem very close indeed.