Monday, August 25, 2003
August 25, 2003
5:52 PM Last week during our stay in Alabama, we heard a great deal about Judge Roy Moore and his refusal to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the Judicial Building in Montgomery. I hadn’t paid much attention to the controversy, but it’s the number-one story in Alabama—and now is getting considerable attention across the country. I find myself sympathetic to Judge Moore on many points, yet I find it difficult to support his actions in this case.
5:44 PM Oak Park Christian Academy began its ninth year of classes this morning. Things are a little hectic and makeshift because of the church construction, but everything went well otherwise.
5:37 PM The big news is, Dixie has returned home. This afternoon I went to the Village Hall and met some very gracious people who oversee the Animal Control area. When I told them about Dixie, they showed me a picture of a dog they had picked up on Saturday morning that looked like her. I picked up Marlene and drove over to the shelter to check it out. Sure enough, there as Dixie—very glad to see us. So I went back to the Village Hall and paid $72 for the pick-up and the shot they gave her. Now she’s back home with us—happy and also a bit chagrined, I think. One fact I didn’t mention earlier: Dixie escaped because of our boys (who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty) left the front door slightly open on Friday night. Dixie nosed it open some more and then slipped out. Marlene called Nick and Mark and they were both very pleased—one of them was extremely glad to hear the news.