Monday, August 22, 2005
August 22, 2005
5:42 PM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called 31 Years. 5:12 PM The Primetime America interview never happened. When I showed at Moody radio, they had no idea I was coming. Evidently a scheduling mix-up of some kind. Since I had the time free, I ended up doing an interview with Roy Patterson and Maurice, AKA Cool Mo D, the hosts of “Urban Praise” on WMBI-AM, 1110 AM. It was a blast, especially since they play music on “Urban Praise” that you will never hear on the FM side. They are doing a great job reaching out to an entirely new audience. I’m going to be of their regular guests several times a month on Thursday afternoons. 8:11 AM A big Monday shout-out to Bruce and Anna Thorn, Jeff and Linda McAllister, Joey and Kendra Newton, Sharon Dodgson who leaves for South Africa and Liberia to serve with the Mercy Ships later this week, Chad Hammond who leaves soon for a year working at Christian hostel in Israel, Dan and Debbie McCollum, Jim Bowman, Barb Platt, Paul and Kathy Brush, Katie Lucchesi, James Chen, Rich Lin, Sam Chacko, Sunny Winthrop in Boston, Brad Moore and Kathy Brownfield.