Monday, August 2, 2004
August 2, 2004
1:07 PM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called Mount Hermon Dallas Conference—Day 1. 12:40 PM We are in the middle of the first full day of the Dallas Conference. Last night we ran into Greg Hatteberg, the Director of Admissions at DTS. During his student years at Moody Bible Institute, he knew Carolyn Klingbeil and her children. He and Tim went to school together, and he mentioned knowing Joy and Melody as well. This morning Bill Lawrence spoke on having a passion for the Lord from the prayer of Moses in Exodus 33—Show me your ways, show me your face, show me your glory. Then Jeff Bingham preached on Listening Christianly from Daniel 7, Proverbs 7, and Mark 8-10. The messages dovetailed in a way that sermons often do at conference like this. Bill pressed home the point that the desires of the world can never satisfy the deepest needs of the heart. Only God himself can do that. Jeff warned us against getting the virtues out of order. Denial always comes before dominion. “The cross not only does something for you. It ought to do something to do you.” Before Jeff spoke, Damaris Carbaugh sang “Holy, Holy, Holy” and we all joined in on the last verse. We met Bill Kellogg who graduated with me in 1978. Bill has spent the the last 26 years in California. For the last few years, he’s been at the Evangelical Free Church in Folsom, California, a town made famous by the Johnny Cash song, “Folsom Prison Blues.” Bill’s church is close to the prison and they do quite a bit of ministry to the families of the inmates.