Monday, August 1, 2005
August 1, 2005
7:18 PM Do Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Ramesh Richard offers a biblical answer. 7:02 PM A big Monday shout-out to John Armstrong, Renee Reyes, Debbie Bolton King, David and Soo Ai Kudo, Liam Goligher, Tola and Rachel Adeodu, Tom Albert and Harry Blum. 4:58 PM Here are the latest entries in the Crosswalk weblog: 50 Most Influential Churches in America Questions Church Leaders Should Ask Corn on the Cob God in a Blade of Grass 3:34 PM According to a recent survey, these are the 50 Most Influential Churches in America. The survey contains pictures of most of the pastors, my favorite being Bishop Eddie Long (# 30) of New Birth Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia. No surprise to discover that Saddleback is # 1 and Willowcreek is # 2. Among the top ten, I had never heard of “Church of the Resurrection” in Leawood, Kansas. Charles and Andy Stanley pastor different churches in Atlanta, while Ed Young Sr. and Jr. made the list for churches in Houston and Dallas, respectively. The article contains fascinating tidbits about churches and pastors that did and did not make the list. Check out the list and see how many of the churches you recognize. 10:46 AM Some good news from Mary Gaskill, Director of Children’s Ministries at Calvary. Yesterday we had 3 new families from Oak Park register for Sunday School and said they planned to come often. And Mary added this encouraging note:
During the 10:00 hour, Mike McGuin, our Bible teacher had presented the gospel (this week was on Nicodemus) and 4 children accepted Christ!!