Monday, April 19, 2004
April 19, 2004
3:45 PM Two notes relating to An Anchor for the Soul: From Andrea Shelton of Heartbound Ministries in Ringgold, GA:
Thank you for your donation of 1200 books for Heartbound Ministries’ Easter outreach program at Georgia State Prison in Reidsville, GA. Thank you also for the 50 books you sent for our prison chaplains to place in prison libraries. Every inmate at Georgia State Prison received your book, along with a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo. These items are tangible reminders to an inmate that somebody cares and that, most importantly, God cares and is not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9).
From Don Liesemer with Hockey Ministries International:
Last Sunday, my wife and I attended a baptismal service at Madison Baptist Church in Montreal. We were invited by a close friend, Cliff Larocque, because a special friend of his was going to be baptized. I was thrilled to hear her testimony. She is a highly successful business person in her early forties. Cliff Larocque is a personal fitness trainer and met her at a health spa. He began witnessing to her. Along the way I had given him a copy of your book. He in turn passed it on to her. The Anchor played a major part in her conversion as she shared during her baptismal testimony. Praise God. By the way, we gave one of your books to all participants in our first ever HMI Hockey Tournament in Ottawa a few weeks ago.
3:42 PM I’m guest hosting TLN Live on the Total Living Network from 9-10 PM Central Time. This is a national telecast avaiable on many cable systems. It draws a large viewing audience in Chicago and San Francisco. Pastor Brian Bill from Pontiac Bible Church will be on the program with me. Our topic tonight: Doubt in the Christian Life and what to do about it.