Monday, April 18, 2005
April 18, 2005
10:49 PM April 24 is Upper Room Sunday. We’ll be premiering a brand-new video about the Upper Room Service featuring well-known actors, including our own Pastor Davis Duggins. There is also something special happening in the 10 AM service, but I am sworn to secrecy and cannot reveal it. 10:37 PM Notes from the baptisms yesterday … I had the privilege of baptizing two sets of sisters—Sara and Emily Becker, and Jenny Saraceno and Rachael Saunders … After I baptized Daisy Cervantes, she faced the congregation and raised both her arms in joy … Pastor Howard Duncan led Mike Sutcliffe to Christ two months ago. He shared his testimony last month. He was baptized on Sunday… . Special thanks to {astor Andrew for interviewing all the baptismal candidates and to John Sredl, Bernie Fillmore and Al Elliott for their work in getting the baptistry ready last week … And a big Thank You to Robert and Laura Schuler, our deacon and deaconess of ordinances, who handle all the details surrounding baptism preparation. They meet the candidates in the dressing room area, help them find a robe, hand out the towels after the baptism, and then clean up the area when the final service is over. They also make sure my waders are leak-proof and put my black robe in the dryer between services. (We have two black robes, by the way. I use one in the first service, a different one in the second service, and reuse the first one in the third service.)