July 31, 2003, 2003

July 31, 2003

1:58 PM Just received good news (via Seth in Colorado) that 100,000 copies of An Anchor for the Soul have been delivered to Good News Jail and Prison Ministry in Richmond, Virginia. They will begin shipping the books to their chaplains around the country next week. By God’s grace, these books will lead to thousands of prisoners coming to Christ. Side note: We receive letters almost every day from prisoners who have read “Anchor” or one of my other books that we have given away. This came in today’s mail from a prisoner named Lawrence in Anchorage, Alaska:

I read your book and it was like food to my soul, (filled with) beautiful stories that open my eyes to understand the Lord. Many years I was blind to the bread of life until I saw people changing by the power of his hands… . He died on the cross for the root of my sins. And I pray the human race come together as one just like it’s gonna be in heaven. Well may God bless you in all you do.

We expect an additional 50,000 copies of Anchor to arrive in Oak Park sometime next week.

10:44 AM My friend Steve Miller has written a fine little book called C.H. Spurgeon on Spiritual Leadership, brand-new from Moody Publishers. Highly recommended. Chapters include “A Passion for Prayer,” “A Heart for Service,” “A Passion for Lost Souls,” and “The Power of a Single Focus.” One quote:

The greatness of our work compels us to confess that it must be of God, and of God alone … If we do not as a church and congregation, if we do not, as individuals, always give God the glory, it is impossible that He should continue to work by us.

8:49 AM The Chicago Tribune is running a three-part series called Unauthorized Suburbia. Tons of useful info on the many towns and villages that ring Chicago (including, of course, Oak Park). Here are the ten suburbs with the highest percentage of foreign-born residents: Stone Park 50.3 Cicero 43.6 Schiller Park 39.1 Rosemont 37.3 Skokie 37.0 Prospect Heights 36.5 Melrose Park 35.3 Addison 34.3 West Chicago 34.1 Lincolnwood 34.1 Summit 34.1 Harwood Heights 34.1 Niles 33.7 Morton Grove 33.6 Hodgkins 32.9

Several of these are very definitely in or near our ministry area. Worth pondering how the changing demographic patterns will shape our ministry focus in the coming years.

8:41 AM George Barna reports on the future of evangelism in America. His opening paragraph sets the scene:

As people in the United States increasingly embrace elements of postmodern philosophy, Christian evangelism could become an endangered behavior. Despite the emphasis that postmodernism places upon tolerance and diversity of opinions, it also says that there are no absolute moral or spiritual standards that are appropriate for everyone and thus rejects aggressive evangelistic efforts as an attempt to “impose” one person’s view others.

8:41 AM Here’s the Legacy Campaign prayer request for today: “Pray for the Lord’s continued guidance as we consider other possibilities for future growth and expansion.”

8:36 AM The countdown is on for Summer Breakaway. This weekend over 350 people will travel to Syracuse, Indiana for three days of nonstop fun and fellowship. It’s one of the best weekends of the year for getting to know others in the Calvary family.

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