Friday, September 23, 2005
September 23, 2005
3:44 PM I almost forgot to mention that two Calvary retreats begin today: The Allied Force High School Fall Retreat takes place at Phantom Ranch. The Men’s Retreat starts tonight at Lake Lawn Lodge. Brian Bill is the speaker. 12:56 PM Here’s an exceprt from an email regarding the use of Anchor for the Soul by Word of Life Bible Institute students doing Hurricane Katrina relief work on the Gulf Coast:
One of the challenges we gave to the students was to not only minister to the physical needs, which are overwhelming, but to take opportunity to minister to the spiritual needs. Many of the students spent time passing out Bibles, tracts, and a book by Ray Prichard called “An Anchor for the Soul.” One of the BI students, nicknamed ‘Billy Bob’, had an opportunity to lead a teenage boy named Ken to the Lord. Ken was walking down the street and began to share with Billy Bob the emotional stress he was going through during this time. It was a real joy to hear the testimony of Billy Bob as he shared how he had led this young man to the Lord. One of the first questions that people would ask after we approached them about helping was “how much is this going to cost?” Many of them would go on to tell us they had lost their jobs and are getting a small check from FEMA. The expression on many of their faces was invaluable when we told them it would cost them nothing and we just wanted to help because we cared for them.
12:52 PM It’s a beautiful day here in Lexington—warm and muggy and mostly clear skies. I’ve been having email frustrations all week long—first at Triple Creek Ranch and again here in Lexington. I wrote a ton of people on Wednesday and got an electronic message back saying that the emails didn’t go through even though they ended up in my Sent folder. But I got notes from some people who got them. But Paula Sherman in the church office didn’t get what I sent her. So I just sent 107 messages out. Hopefully they will eventually arrive. Technology is wonderful except when it fouls up.