Friday, November 12, 2004
November 12, 2004
4:18 PM At this very moment I’m doing an hourlong interview on a nationwide radio program called Truth Talk Live. We’re talking about my book Discovering God’s Will For Your Life. 2:52 PM This note encouraged me:
I just received a call from a colleague who works in our corporate office near Joplin, MO. She is a dear sister in the Lord and an amazing prayer warrior. As you were preaching through the series on marriage, I asked her to pray for Calvary, for you, for the community, etc. When she heard of the situation with the protestors, she rallied the Southeast Missouri Prayer team together to pray. She shared with me today that before I had requested prayer on the matter, four of her prayer warrior buddies had started to pray for the gay community in SE Missouri. She could not give me all of the details because we were talking on company time, but they are seeing amazing things happening. I could hear the excitement in her voice. When people pray, amazing things happen! She asked me to pass along to you their support of you and the message you shared with our community on the subject of marriage, and more specifically gay marriage. have only passed along a couple of updates since I asked her to pray, but she has been receiving information consistently from somewhere and they continue to pray. The group that she meets with regularly feel very connected to you and the work here in Oak Park. She says that the prayer team knows that they may never visit Oak Park or meet the pastor (you) they continually lift up in prayer, but that fact will not iminish their joy or their faithfulness in praying. I hope that two things about this message will encourage you. 1) People you have never met pray for you consistently. And 2) The messages you share are reaching far beyond the boundaries of our community and making a difference!
2:49 PM Special thanks to Scott Mahlstedt who located a replacement drum for the copier machine used by the Word of Life ministry in Kenya (see yesterday’s entry for details). Scott will be shipping the drum to Peter Odanga in Mombassa, Kenya. 2:48 PM Anchor for the Soul update: We just shipped 100 more copies to Dr. Bob Cosby in Logansport, Indiana. Andrea Shelton of Heartbound Ministries in Atlanta has requested 250 copies for Christmas bags to be given in inmates in various Georiga prisons. 2:47 PM Coming up this weekend … Saturday, 6:30 PM, Bridge of Hope concert to benefit Breakthrough Urban Ministries … Sunday 6:30 PM Biannual Business Meeting (dessert social begins at 6 PM). 2:41 PM Some new additions to the ever-growing pile of books to be read: True Truth by Art Lindsley, Islam and the Bible by David Goldmann, On Being a Pastor by Derek Prime and Alistair Begg.