Friday, May 28, 2004
May 28, 2004
5:35 PM I think I should go see this movie. 11:04 AM Counting down … 9 days until the Family Fun Fest—June 6, 12:30-2:30 PM 15 days until the Faith and Freedom Concert—June 12, 7 PM 11:01 AM Marvin Olasky was among a small group of journalists who met with President Bush on Wednesday. This is his report.
In that sense, he is ready to talk about what sustains him as president. His wife: “My marriage is really good.” His own prayer: “I pray all the time. You don’t need a chapel to pray … I just do.” The prayer of others: When he shakes hands on the campaign trail, “every other person or every third person says, ‘My family prays for you.'” His reading: “I read Oswald Chambers every morning. … If you can figure out everything he’s saying, then you have a depth of understanding of the gospel beyond the emotional.”
10:57 AM David Limbaugh discusses gay marriage and the “slippery slope”. 5:04 AM Today’s entry on the Crosswalk weblog is called Band of Brothers.