Friday, March 4, 2005
March 4, 2005
10:26 PM One other note from this week. China seems to be popping up everywhere. When I shared about our trip and how God has called all three of our boys to China in the short-term, we discovered new China connections every day this week. 10:25 PM We’re glad to be back home. This is our last trip of any kind for almost three months. 10:22 PM We’re back home now after a whirlwind week in Florida. In years past, I’ve traveled to Florida, preached, and then had plenty of time to rest. This week the Lord opened continual doors for ministry through conversations, meetings after the services, and plenty of opportunities to pray with people. I’ll probably write more about this tomorrow, but it’s clear to me that the Lord used us this week to bring encouragement to many people. I invited them all to come see us in Oak Park when they pass through Chicago (as everyone does eventually), and I also invited them to check out our website and join us via Calvary TV for the weekly worship services. I think we’ll see visitors in all three categories in the weeks to come. 10:18 PM Friday Shout-Out to the crew from the Grace Brethren Church in Columbus that attended Word of Life Florida this week. Marlene and I enjoyed our time with you on Wednesday night. Plus a big Shout-Out to Wayne and Betty Frair, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner, Alan Patterson in Knoxville, TN, Anne Marie Gerhardt, Elizabeth Mazza, Roy and Eva Szarafinski, Marilyn Miller in Mt. Hermon, CA, and to Chuck Csakai who reminded me that no one has ever said to me, “Hey, weren’t you on the PGA tour?”