Friday, March 11, 2005
March 11, 2005
11:19 PM Don’t forget about the Biannual Business Meeting on Sunday night. We start with a dessert social in the Dining Room at 6 PM, followed by the business meeting at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary. We’ll be reviewing what God did in our midst in 2004, introducing a new missionary couple, and updating the Legacy Campaign and the “Calvary 500.” The biggest item on the agenda involves “The Church in Many Places.” Last month the elders made a hugely-important decision that will impact the future direction of the church. Pastor Bob Boerman and I will discuss that decision and explain the steps we are taking to follow the direction we believe the Lord is leading us. We are “building the bridge as we walk on it.” 11:18 PM Tomorrow night over 100 men will meet at the Wheaton Sports Center for Men’s Night Out. I’ll be there for the “Knock Out” competition. Later Bob Muzikowski will share his testimony. 11:17 PM At this moment, a large group of junior highers are at the church for an all-night outreach event. It’s fun and games and food and the presentation of the gospel. I’m glad Darin Weil is the one staying up all night and not me.