Friday, June 27, 2003
June 27, 2003
Only 2 more days till Groundbreaking Sunday!
10:26 AM At pastoral staff meeting this AM we went over the final details for Groundbreaking Sunday. We received the permit from the village to put up the big tent, which will be erected in the west parking lot starting at 7 AM Saturday … Pan’s Food Center on Oak Park Avenue will provide the cold drinks for the picnic in Austin Gardens Park … When you come on Sunday, you can keep your picnic basket with you in the tent or you can put in the Dining Room for safekeeping if you prefer … Childcare will be available for birth through 4 year olds starting at 10 AM … The portable baptistry from the Rock Church has arrived … For the first time I can remember, we are using the old Hammond organ that sits in the parlor in a worship service. It has been repaired and will be placed near the platform on Sunday … Ushers, greeters, security crew and worship leaders will meet at 2 PM on Saturday for a run-through of all the details.
Here are the four things to remember: 1) Come early 2) Bring an offering 3) Bring a picnic lunch 4) Dress comfortably I received this encouraging e-mail from Kimya Tuama: “Good morning Pastor Ray, I wanted to share a groundbreaking tidbit. Dana Alexander (daughter of Eddie and Barbette) wanted to sell lemonade and use the proceeds for the groundbreaking. Dana, Taylor, and Caitlin (daughter of Debbie Fallahay). After a couple of hours each on Wednesday and Thursday they raised $16 plus change! I thought you might like to know the children have caught the groundbreaking “fever” as well! See you Sunday. Kimya”