Friday, July 9, 2004
July 9, 2004
7:42 PM Another nice note—this one from the Philippines:
Dear Pastor Ray, Thank you very much for the availability of your free download sermons, I’m happy that this will help me easier when given a time to speak and share the word of God. I am Emmanuel B. Badulis, a civil engineering graduate and working as a college instructor in Math & Physics department and a student in Masters in Math here at Adventist University of the Philippines. I am married to a music instructor working in this university. My wife is also the choir director in our church in Las Pinas City. I am a seventh-day adventist since birth. I am serving in our church as a youth leader.I often given a schedule to speak, and i’m happy to say that i am bless by your sermons and so i also share it to our church. I’m not a theology student and i dont know how to make outline, but i love to preach. For me preaching is sharing the word of God. And i want to share the word of God. Dr. Ray, thank you very much for the free download of your sermon, what i like most is its Christ centered massage. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family with wisdom and peace. Emmanuel B. Badulis
10:55 AM A few minutes ago I saw Don Hane getting the church bus ready. Tomorrow morning at 3:30 AM he’s coming to the church to drive the Belize summer missions team to the airport. Here’s a list of the team members: Nathalie Andrews, Sandi Avila, Andrew Breuer, Roberta Breuer, Mary Brooks, Valerie Burda, Beckie Erickson, Beth Erickson, Sam Erickson, Diane Ertner, Keith Ertner, Barbara Gardner, David Haas, Kristin Hoving, Gwen Johnson, Rose Malinowski, Tom Regan. 10:51 AM Received this email yesterday:
Dear Pastor Ray, I am the pastor of Quisqueya Chapel in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. A member of my congregation has been sharing your e-mail messages with me from time to time. I do very much appreciate your study, Illustrations, content and practical insights. Would it be possible for me to receive your messages each week as they go out. Thank you very much. In His Service, Karl Olsson
Just another illustration of the power of the Internet to draw people together from around the world. We presently send the weekly sermon out via email to over 1750 people. You can sign up by clicking on the link at the top of the column on the left-hand side of this page. 10:49 AM Have you been to the Brown Cow lately? Last night Marlene and I went to the Brown Cow Ice Cream Parlor on Madison Street in Forest Park. Calvary attenders Matt and Connie Brown opened the ice cream parlor a few months ago. Every time I drive past, I customers coming in and out of the store. Excellent ice cream treats in a turn-of-the-century setting. Highly recommended—and tell them Pastor Ray sent you.