Friday, July 8, 2005
July 8, 2005
12:58 PM We will be baptizing seven people this Sunday: 8:30 service Erika Stger 10:00 service Linda Pendleton Lyndon Pendleton Dale Pendleton Langston Pendleton 11:30 service Breyonna Delane Omer Houston IV 11:00 AM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called Back Online Again. 8:28 AM A big Friday shout-out to Jamall Badry of the Music Evangelism Foundation, to Paul and Marjorie Ferrin, to Pastor Manana Negross in Swaziland, to Pastor Liam Goligher of the Duke Street Church in London, England, to Pastor James Ford of South Shore Baptist Church in Chicago, and to Charles Lowery in Plano, Texas. And a special thank you and shout-out to my friend Ian Leitch of the Heralds Trust in Scotland. 8:27 AM Cliff and Phyllis Raad leave today for their Alaskan cruise. Bon Voyage! 7:21 AM On July 1 Harvest House Publishers released my newest book, The Healing Power of Forgiveness. Here are the chapter titles:
1) Healing the Hurt We Never Deserved 2) Father, Forgive Them 3) Breaking the Cycle of Bitterness 4) A Lesson from the Lords Prayer 5) Seventy Times Seven 6) Judge Not! 7) Overcoming a Judgmental Spirit 8) How to Behave in a Cave 9) Hot Coals 10) Questions and Answers 11) The Final Step
6:42 AM Are you wondering where your teenagers went? Yesterday Pastor Craig Hammond (and other adult leaders) left with a bus full of Allied Force high school students for Cedar Point Amusement Park on the shores of Lake Erie in Sandusky, Ohio. The park bills itself as the Roller Coaster Capital of the World. Check it out. I wonder if anyone in our group will ride every single roller coaster in the park? They return to Oak Park late tomorrow afternoon. 6:40 AM Anthony Bollback has the latest China clippings. 6:35 AM This continues to be a “China Summer” for the Pritchard family. Josh returned from China last Thursday. Nick left for China a few days before that. We just heard from him a few minutes ago. He’s now in Handan, several hundred miles south of Beijing. Here’s a link to the Handan steelworks. Handan is on the same latitude as Nashville, TN. Mark leaves for China on August 11. So it’s all China, all the time in our corner of the world. 6:34 AM I’m back online!