Friday, July 11, 2003
July 11, 2003
1:44 PM Just got back from the bookstore where I picked up a copy of Hallowed Ground: A Walk at Gettysburg by James M. McPherson in preparation for our Civil War tour next June. And I also bought a map of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine plus a New England tour guide for our trip next week.
1:29 PM Several weeks ago I mentioned that Cliff Raad and I are organizing a tour of Civil War battlefields for next June. We plan to leave from Oak Park early on Monday morning and return late Saturday evening. We’ll visit Gettysburg, Monocacy, Harpers Ferry, Antietam, Washington, Manassas, Fredericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, Appomatox and Lexington. That’s a lot of touring to pack into just six days. This morning during the pastoral staff meeting, Cliff mentioned that he and Phyllis are leaving early next week for a “trial run” tour. They are going to drive the route, check out various hotels, visit the battlefields, and make some key contacts. When he gets back, we will go over all the details, print a brochure, and give people a chance to sign up. So far over 30 people have said they plan to go with us—and we only have 46 seats available on the big tour bus.
1:51 AM Scurrying around trying to get everything ready for our trip. Marlene and I fly out tomorrow for Albany, New York where we will rent a car and drive to Word of Life in Schroon Lake. I start speaking on Sunday morning and I think I speak 17 times between Sunday and Friday night. Then we drive on Living Waters Bible Camp in Danforth, Maine. I speak there the following week. Then we drive back to Albany to catch a flight to Chicago. So I have a long list of things on my to-do list between now and tomorrow AM. Meanwhile, the construction folks have “kicked it up a notch” at the church. This morning the main entrance to the west wing is completely closed and won’t be opened until construction is finished a few months from now. Workers are installing a temporary entrance through the big glass doors in the parlor area.
Here’s the Legacy Campaign request for today: “Pray for God’s financial provision for the project through generous, cheerful, and sacrificial giving.”