Friday, February 6, 2004
February 6, 2004
10:08 PM It was the most exciting girls basketball game I’ve ever attended. Deshler is small but talented, quick, and they play a physical, up-tempo game. Bradshaw took an early lead, held it for the whole game, but could never quite put Deshler away. With two minutes left, Deshler closed to within four points. But no closer. Bradshaw won by 9. Megan played well, the refs were inconsistent, she got in early foul trouble, sat for most of the third quarter, and picked up her fifth foul after playing perhaps a minute of the fourth quarter. My brother was apoplectic. She’s the glue that holds the team together. They play a different game when she’s on the bench. She hugged me before the game and said I was her favorite uncle. Made me glad we made the trip. We’ll get to see her play one more game tomorrow night—-plus her sister Kathleen plays on the JV team. All that—plus some very fine Alabama barbecue. We’re tired from the travel but very happy to be here. 10:06 PM For those who question the war on terrorism, here is a very personal answer: We cannot wait until the smoking gun is Chicago. 4:49 PM More on the Gay Marriage debate: This will be a hot issue in this election. God bless President Bush for speaking out. But how we speak out is just as important as what we say. David Frum says the national debate over gay marriage will be won by the side that manages to keep its temper. That’s a good reminder for those of us who may be tempted to use intemperate language in the heat of the moment. Remember what Solomon said in Proverbs 16:32, “Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.” 4:40 PM Did you know that Allied Force (our high school ministry) has its own webpage? Check it out here. Craig Hammond reports that the Thursday night meetings have been crowded to the point of overflowing the youth room. Next Many students will be going on the Winter Retreat at SpringHill Camp in Evart, Michigan. Here’s a special request from Craig’s February update: “Please pray for Megan and I as we prepare to be parents. Pray that I would continue to know how & where God wants me to lead our students.” 4:21 PM I’m writing this note from my brother Andy’s house on a bluff overlooking the Tennessee River in Florence, Alabama. Last night it took us four hours to drive through the snow and sleet to West Lafayette, Indiana. Today the weather cooperated and we arrived here about 3 PM. Nick drove up from Samford University in Birmingham for the weekend. We saw Megan for just a few minutes before she had to go get ready for the big game tonight against Deshler High School. This is “Senior Night” at Bradshaw so the gym will be packed. I’m expected a tight game—but Megan says Bradshaw will win. Her team has a real chance to win the state championship when the playoffs start next week. 4:18 PM Kevin McCullough offers an excellent analysis of the gay marriage decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Kevin is right when he says the real purpose is to “sanctify” that which is inherently immoral.