Friday, February 20, 2004
February 20, 2004
8:55 PM Renovation Update: The workers laid tile in the new portico today. Work in that area is nearing completion… . We had a water leak in the roof over the gym—caused in part by all activity on the roof during the air conditioning installation … You can read the latest financial update on the Legacy Campaign here. 8:54 PM Caleb Lucien sends his second update on the situation in Haiti. 11:36 AM Here are several books I’m reading at the moment: Deep Change by Robert Quinn, and The Path of True Godliness by Willem Teellinck. Cliff Raad just returned from the National Religious Broadcasters meeting in Charlotte, NC, with an armload of books for me. One looks especially good: How Sweet the Sound by George Beverly Shea, beloved singer for the Billy Graham crusades for more than 50 years. This brand-new book contains personal stories from Bev Shea’s life relating to beloved hymns and gospel songs. His reflections on “I’d Rather Have Jesus” touched my heart. 10:33 AM A few hours ago a team of 16 Calvary men left for a nine-day missions trip to Costa Rica. They will be rehabbing an International Training Center for Sonlife Ministries. Here are the team members:
Bob Boerman Don Childs John Chledowski Brian Claus Dave Claus Bart Carley Mark Edwards Bob Enstrom Mark Goeke Bill Hamen Chris Jahns Don Kamm Mike Maczka Brian Ondracek Mike Rychtanek Gelu Ursache
They will be posting updates on the missions page each day. 10:12 AM Passion Movie Update: Rick Warren shares four reasons you should see “The Passion of the Christ”… . Here’s a website for people with “Passion movie” questions… . 8:02 AM Hal Lindsey discusses the Temple Mount crisis in Jerusalem and what it means for Bible prophecy. 8:00 AM Kevin McCullough offers wise perspective on the lawlessness breaking out in San Francisco. Marvin Olasky compares it to the anarchy of the Book of Judges when “every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”