Friday, December 24, 2004
December 24, 2004
8:48 AM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called Faith and Doubt at Christmastime. 8:45 AM If you are in the Chicago area, please join us for our Christmas Eve services at 5 & 9 PM. Childcare provided only at 5 PM. Each service features Christmas music, Scripture readings, and candlelight singing. I will bring a brief message in both services. 8:45 AM We leave for China in 20 days. 8:42 AM Yesterday I ordered a last-minute gift for Marlene over the Internet. The company is located outside of Montreal. I’ve been tracking the packages progress via the FedEx website last night and this morning. It left Montreal at 6:45 PM, arrived in Indianapolis at 3:12 AM, arrived in Chicago at 5:50 AM, arrived at the Hillside FedEx location at 7:33 AM. It should be delivered later this AM.