Friday, December 17, 2004

December 17, 2004

10:49 AM God bless Wal-Mart. 10:35 AM The headline says it all: Christmas trees could be used for pain relief. 10:29 AM Charles Krauthammer has written a must-read column called Goodbye Christmas?. 8:42 AM We leave for China in 27 days. 8:38 AM I’ve been up for over four hours because Mark and Nick and John Mark Edwards arrived at 4:15 AM. Nick and John Mark drove in from Birmingham where they just finished the fall semseter at Samford University. They stopped in Nashville to pick up Mark who was visiting Uncle Mark and Aunt Ruth. I woke up because Dixie (our miniature Schnauzer) was barking like crazy. When she wouldn’t stop, I stumbled out of bed, put on my bathrobe just in time to greet the boys as they came in the front door. I said hi and then, “Have you been here long?” Without missing a beat, Nick said, “Yeah, we were outside for 20 minutes deciding if we should come in.” Then he grinned. The boys are back in town. 6:14 AM This Sunday night our Children’s choirs will present a program of Christmas music in the sanctuary at 7 PM followed by refreshments in the Dining Room. 6:12 AM Here are three new entries on the Crosswalk weblog: David Stern’s Advice Free Books for Prison Ministry Brief Notes on Two Books

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