Friday, August 22, 2003
August 22, 2003
6:58 AM Congratulations to Kevin and Aimee McCullough who were married last weekend in California. And special thanks to Kevin for posting these kind words about He’s God and We’re Not on his weblog:
One very important thing I beg you to consider. Buy Pastor Ray Pritchard’s brand new book – “He’s God and We’re Not”. It is one of the most honest, humbling, and critical sets of ideas ever assembled in the Evangelical world. The concepts laid out here are ones that are so profound he dare not live without them – yet so stunningly simple we are blinded to their need. I confess that I need these reminders and Dr. Pritchard lays them out in some of the most profound confession ever heard of emong evangelical leaders. It is a must read – if this were the only book beside the Bible you decided to read this year! Do it. Do it. Do it.
6:55 AM Do you remember where you were 29 years ago today? I do. Twenty-nine years ago today Marlene and I were married at the Desert Wells Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona. It was a Thursday night wedding, that alone being an unusual fact. We got married on a hot Thursday night and for our honeymoon, we traveled to Dallas, Texas, where I started my first year at Dallas Seminary the following Tuesday morning. Not the ideal way to do things, but it worked for us. It was a happy day when we got married, and we’re still married and still happy together 29 years later.
6:47 AM Here’s the Legacy Campaign prayer request for today: “Pray that we will live by the Spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).”