Friday, August 19, 2005
August 19, 2005
9:50 PM Allen Yuan, beloved Chinese house church pastor, died earlier this week at the age of 94. He spent 21 years in prison for refusing to join the state-sponsored church. 9:38 PM Surfer evangelists. Cool, dude! 8:10 PM Cool pix of a 1950s Hopalong Cassidy bicycle and a 1950s Huffy (Hat tip to Wayne Johnson). 5:46 AM Men! Don’t forget that you need to sign up this Sunday for the Men’s Retreat at Lake Lawn Resort, September 23-24. 5:40 AM Mark called yesterday from Qinhuangdao, a seaport town located several hundred miles from Beijing. Mark and Dave McKee are there with the rest of their team for about two weeks of training. In early September they will start teaching English in different Chinese cities. Mark sounded very upbeat and encouraged. He mentioned that they eaten lots of vegetables, including green beans at every meal.