Friday, April 23, 2004
April 23, 2004
11:13 AM A few weeks ago we shipped 1200 copies of “An Anchor for the Soul” to Heartbound Ministries in Atlanta, GA. On Good Friday they distributed the books (along with a care package) to each inmate at the Georgia State Prison. A few days ago we received a letter from a prisoner named “Robert” at that prison. This is part of what he wrote (punctuation and spelling are his):
I am righten to say I was impress by your book, An Anchor for the Soul, I don’t have a good hand wrighten, but I just had to somehow put this letter together. I feel God moving in every word you say in that that and I know from deep down within my spirit that God Spirit is in controll over your life. And I see that from your words that as straight as it can get. I am serving time here in GA. State Prison, they call this the Bottom because it is as low as you can get, it is one of the danger prison in the state. It is Hi Max. I receive a package from Heart Bound Ministries and your books was in the package. Man I never in my life felt a presen in a book the way I felt your presen when I was reading it. And I want you to know Brother. I been in and out of this place for 20 years. Little petty stuff. But this is ware I fine peace quietness. No one bother me. And I can talk to my Father and listen to his Spirit. Right soon. May God keep on blessing the Heart Bound Ministries. And thank again for the gift I receive. Take care and love in Christ, Robert.
10:29 AM Here’s the list of those being baptized this Sunday: 10 AM Eric Rubio, Ryan Steger, Franny Streder 11:30 AM Steven Ateca, Katrice Bradley, Rashida Bradley, Cisco Cotto 9:00 AM I had a blast doing the “Pastors Roundtable” on WYLL yesterday. We talked about lots of topics—the tornados in Utica and elsewhere, Gay Marriage, Should John Kerry be refused Catholic Mass because of his pro-abortion stance?, the Muslim call-to-prayer controversy in Detroit, church discipline, Gay Rights and the Civil Rights movement, and at the very end we discussed the all-important topic of snake handling. When I told host Scott Thomas that I was primed and ready to talk about it, the other two pastors thought I was joking. I don’t think the Catholic priest (a very nice man from Northlake) had given the matter much thought because snake handling doesn’t happen in Catholic churches (as far as I know). The Baptist pastor grew up in Georgia so he knew something about it. I’m not sure we shed much light on the topic, but it was fun talking about it. I did opine that it’s fine with me if people want to handle snakes as long as I can be 100 yards away so I can get in my car and drive off quickly. I also told them that I’m fine with handling cats, dogs, sheep and horses. And I could do turtles or gerbils. But I draw the line at snakes. For that matter, I’m not big on spiders either. 8:51 AM Briefly noted … The Women’s Retreat begins tonight at the Sonlife Center in Elburn … Calvary’s Sonshine Club (the younger children’s choir) presents “We Like Sheep”—an hour of fun music and drama, on Sunday, May 2, 6 PM … Check out the brand-new “Greater Love” bulletin board in the hallway from the portico to West Wing. The newest Calvary ministry, Greater Love connects people and needs with resources in the Body of Christ to meet those needs… . Mary Gaskill reports that we currently have 481 children (birth-6th grade) who regularly attend Sunday School. 8:41 AM Howard Harvey writes from Nashville with news about the growing outreach of Operation Andrew, a ministry that unites Christians across denominational boundaries to share the love of Jesus through word and deed. The ministry started as a result of the Billy Graham Crusade in Nashville several years ago. 8:32 AM David Limbaugh discusses the liberal contempt for anyone (including President Bush) who openly professes evangelical Christianity. 8:29 AM Al Mohler has written three short articles addressing homosexuality from a biblical perspective: Homosexuality and the Bible: Telling The Truth Homosexuality and the Bible: Twisting the Truth Homosexuality and the Bible: Trusting the Truth