2 Million Visits to the KBM Website

October 5, 2011

This afternoon I did some research into the traffic at the Keep Believing website. Since the site debuted in March 2008, we have had:

2,033,484 visits to the website.
1,101,217 unique visitors.
7,435,672 pageviews.

Visitors have come to us from 226 countries and territories. Just recently we added our first visitor from Somalia. 

Here are a few random facts I dug up:

65% of our visitors use Internet Explorer, follower by Firefox (19%), Safari (8%), and Chrome (5%). 88% are Windows users, followed by 7% Macintosh. To my surprise the number of iPhone and iPad visitors is virtually identical (just under 1% each). Android visitors account for .5%.

The majority of visitors come back to the website at least once. Some 57,000 have come back at least 200 times. 

By far the most popular part of our website is the Sermon page. It gets considerably more visits than the podcast page, the weblog, or the video page. We’re glad about that because providing good biblical content free of charge lies at the heart of what we do. 

How do people land on our website?

63% find us through search engines like Google.
20% are referred here through sites like Precept Austin and Facebook.
17% come here directly.

We’re grateful to God for these numbers. Little did we know when we launched this ministry that God would allow us to use the Internet to touch the world. 

Thank you for your prayers.

We feel like we’re just getting started. 

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?