50 Souls Won to Christ!
November 20, 2020
Here’s a note we received from a pastor in California:
This is Pastor Joshua Pinto and you donated a couple of boxes of “An Anchor for the Soul” in Spanish and in English. Then Covid-19 hit. We did not know how we would use the books once this happened. However, by God’s providence, we started to distribute food on a weekly basis to our community. We distribute to about 200 families weekly.There has been over 50 people who have given their lives to the Lord, made confessions of faith. We have also given the book to people and it has been a huge blessing.
God knew all about Covid-19 before it hit, and he had those books right where he wanted them. It’s great to see how he works all things together for his glory!
This ministry goes forward because of your love, your prayers, and your support. Please join us in praying for Pastor Pinto and all those new souls that have come to Christ.
If you’d like to help us reach more people with “An Anchor for the Soul,” click on this link.
Thank you!