Another Anchor Story: “I am totally free of Satan’s bondage”

February 24, 2020

A few months ago we began offering copies of An Anchor for the Soul (in English and Spanish) to the various ICE detention centers across the country. We continue to get an encouraging response. Here’s the latest total of books we have shipped:

Spanish 35 cases = 3080 copies
English 29 cases = 2900 copies

Here’s one recent prisoner testimony:


I’m writing from a facility in Northern New York. I read your book “An Anchor for the Soul.” It was the best book I have ever read in my 50 years of existence (besides the book I’m now reading, which is the Bible!).

By reading your book I’ve learned that I am a true sinner, and that I don’t want to live like that any more. So on December 5, 2019, I read the prayer on pages 155 and 156, signed and dated it!!! After I read the prayer I knew I was a new man! I also started reading the Bible, and I cannot put it down.

I was in prison all my life by the works of Satan. Now that I gave my life to Christ totally, I am totally free of Satan’s bondage.

I want to say that I owe it all to you, but I believe the reality of it is that I owe it all to Jesus Christ for putting you and your book in my life.

Your prayers and your gifts make this ministry possible. Please pray with us for a huge harvest as Anchor books go into ICE facilities across America.

Check out our Donate page for ways you can support this ministry.

Ray Pritchard

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