
Twittering My Life Away
by Ray Pritchard

This week I finally decided to start Twittering. Note the capital “T” because Twitter refers to the latest and greatest social networking craze. If you Facebook, think of Twitter as the status line at the to of the page that tells what you are doing at the moment. When you Twitter, you write down (in 140 characters, words and spaces) wh…


Father Abraham Had Many Sons
by Ray Pritchard

Today I taught through Galatians 2:11-3:14 to my very enthusiastic class of students at Word of Life Bible Institute in New York.  Besides all the obvious benefits of teaching students, I enjoy going through Galatians year after year because this little book (only six chapters—you can read it in 30 minutes or less) is filled with spiritu…


Lots of Energy at the BI
by Ray Pritchard

We finished a great first day at Word of Life Bible Institute . . . This morning I taught from 10 AM-1 PM, covering Galatians 1:1-2:10 in three fifty-minute sessions . . . To me it feels bitterly cold here . . . At the moment the temperature is around 5 degrees . . . But the students pointed out that it was -31 last Thursday night . . . We are in P…


New York, Here We Come
by Ray Pritchard

By the time you read this we will be on the road again, this time to upstate New York. Our trip takes us from Tupelo to Columbus, Mississippi where we fly to Atlanta, change planes, and then fly to Albany, New York. Someone will pick us up and drive us 75 miles north to Pottersville, home of Word of Life Bible Institute. Tomorrow I start my first o…


Would You Join Our Prayer Team?
by Ray Pritchard

We would like to invite you to join the KBM prayer team. Here’s what you need to know. As God continues to open new doors, we feel the need to build a strong base of praying friends who will uphold us in prayer. We know that many people pray for us already. Now we want to go to the next step of giving those friends regular updates so they wil…


We Shall Not Weary, We Shall Not Rest
by Ray Pritchard

In one of his final acts, President Bush designated today as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. In so doing, the president noted that “the most basic duty of the government is to protect the innocent.” And who among us is more innocent and more worthy of protection than the unborn? On January 9 we lost an ardent spokesman for the pro-…


Why Interfaith Services Don’t Work
by Ray Pritchard

Yesterday we learned more details about the interfaith National Prayer Service that takes place on Wednesday morning at the National Cathedral in Washington. This particular event marks the end of the inaugural events for President Barack Obama. It seems as if the organizers tried to include everyone. Several evangelicals are taking part, including…


A “Yes” in Disguise
by Ray Pritchard

You’ve probably heard the famous story of how Jesus cast the legion of demons out of a man who lived in the region of the Gerasenes on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee (Luke 8:26-39). In that story three requests are made of Jesus:The demons request to be sent into the swine . . . Granted.The people of the region ask Jesus to leave . ….


Get on the Bible Bus
by Ray Pritchard

During our get-organized campaign that started last week, Marlene uncovered this pin that we gave away in 2002 when the whole congregation took the challenge to “get on the Bible bus” and read the Bible all the way through. Every Sunday that year I began my sermon with the same question, “So how are you doing?” After the fir…


Pentagon Prayer Breakfast
by Ray Pritchard

Last September I spoke at the Pentagon Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. We have just posted the podcast of the message I delivered that morning to a group of around 100 military personnel—from enlisted men and women all the way up to a three-star general. When I announced that I was going to speak on “Why you need your enemies and y…

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