
Saved on I-88
by Ray Pritchard

SAVED ON I-88 by Ray Pritchard I don’t know all the details of her story, but I do know that she was raised in the South and her family moved around quite a bit. When I asked about her spiritual background, she surprised me by saying, “None.” She’s the only person I’ve ever met from the South who didn’t have a rel…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 2001

The Last Days According to Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

THE LAST DAYS ACCORDING TO JESUS by Ray Pritchard Not long after the terrorist attacks on September 11, Christians (and many non-Christians) began asking how the current world crisis relates to Bible prophecy and the Second Coming of Christ. The early answer goes like this: “We don’t know yet.” I am not aware…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 2001

Shattered Innocence
by Ray Pritchard

SHATTERED INNOCENCE by Ray Pritchard I met Bill last Tuesday morning when he picked me up at the Pittsburgh airport. As he drove me to the television studio, I noticed that his right arm was limp. Almost as an aside, he mentioned that he had injured it in a motorcycle accident about 16 years ago. Coming around a curve too f…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 2001

A Hard Question
by Ray Pritchard

A HARD QUESTION by Ray Pritchard We were just a few seconds away from a station break during a live radio interview two days after the terrorist attacks on September 11. The host, wanting to keep his audience tuned in, announced that he had a hard question for me, and that he would ask it before the break and let me answer …

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 2001

What is Saving Faith?
by Ray Pritchard

The question, “What is saving faith?” is not as easily answered as one might assume. It is evident from reading […]

Sermon Series: Articles and Public Letters

Calvary in the Park: Faith/Hope/Love
by Ray Pritchard

Faith That Leads Us to God A friend sent me an email telling about a question asked by a coworker: […]

Text: Various

WMBI Commentaries
by Ray Pritchard

Monday: Tiny Steps All of us are faced with thousands of small choices every single day, and each one moves […]

Text: Various

What About the Ecumenical Movement?
by Ray Pritchard

HOT TOPICS #4: WHAT ABOUT THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT? by Ray Pritchard The following question comes from Shawn in Houston, Texas. He posted it on the “Ask Pastor Ray” question board on Calvary’s website. “Do you believe that the ecumenical movement is a good thing?” Here is an abbreviated version of my…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 2001

Church of the Pathetic Losers
by Ray Pritchard

CHURCH OF THE PATHETIC LOSERS by Ray Pritchard It’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten as much response to a sermon as I received since last Sunday’s message. I mentioned Alistair Begg’s comment at the Pastor’s Conference that we are all “pathetic losers” who don’t have the power an…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 2001

What the Cross Means to Me
by Ray Pritchard

WHAT THE CROSS MEANS TO ME by Ray Pritchard “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.” Romans 5:7 Here’s a good question for you to discuss over lunch today. How many people are you willing to die for? If the chips were down, the moment came, and in…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 2001

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