
Safety First
by Ray Pritchard

If you attended the 10:00 a.m. worship service two weeks ago, you know that we had a disruption during the first part of my sermon. A man who is not a member or a regular attendee walked forward and stood in front of the congregation and prepared to say something. I immediately told him to leave the service, which he did af…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 1999

Mr. Success Meets Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

A friend told me this story a few days ago. It seems that her daughter married a man who came from a very wealthy family. Although the young man was a believer, his parents were not. Over the years my friend and her husband did everything they could to share Christ with the other set of parents. The in-law was too busy with…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 1999

Why God Allows Good Men to Fall
by Ray Pritchard

Today I want to talk to you about why God allows good men to fall. My attention was drawn to […]

Text: Luke 22:31-34

Y2K Survey Results
by Ray Pritchard

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond. Reading your comments has been […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Special Documents

Revival in Our Time
by Ray Pritchard

I don’t know what the word “revival” means to you, but I know exactly what it means to me. It means a week-long meeting with an out-of-town evangelist who preaches every night (and sometimes in the morning) calling Christians to get right with God and exhorting sinners to be saved. It also means “cottage prayer meetings,” b…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 1999

Are We Pat Robertson Types?
by Ray Pritchard

The note came from someone who serves in the legal community in the Chicago area. A few days ago she happened to join a conversation about the current impeachment crisis in Washington. “It amazes me how people feel that the President is a victim of politics and that he shouldn’t be subjected to this scrutiny because hi…

Sermon Series: Ponder This - 1999

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