
Engage with the Holy Spirit
by Brian Bill

Eric Metaxas mentioned in a recent Breakpoint Commentary that if Americans took a theology exam, their only hopes of passing […]

Text: John 16:7-14
Sermon Series: Engage

The Vine
by Brian Bill

As hard as we might try, we cannot live the Christian life in our own strength. We must consciously surrender to the Savior on a daily basis and remain in His Word if we expect to bear any fruit.

Text: John 15:1-5
Sermon Series: Metaphors of the Messiah

The Way
by Brian Bill

Contrary to popular opinion, there are not many ways to God. Jesus is the only way, the only truth and the only life. He offers us His peace because He is getting our place ready. We can count on His promise to be united with Him if we follow His plan.

Text: John 14:1-6
Sermon Series: Metaphors of the Messiah

Becoming an Overcomer
by Brian Bill

Instead of always being overwhelmed, God wants us to be overcomers.

Text: 1 John 5:1-10
Sermon Series: Confident Christianity (1 John)

Becoming an Overcomer
by Brian Bill

Instead of always being overwhelmed, God wants us to be overcomers.

Text: 1 John 5:1-10
Sermon Series: Confident Christianity (1 John)

End Times Antichrists
by Brian Bill

The advent of Antichrists shows the end is near.

Text: 1 John 2:18-27
Sermon Series: Confident Christianity (1 John)

End Times Antichrists
by Brian Bill

The advent of Antichrists shows the end is near.

Text: 1 John 2:18-27
Sermon Series: Confident Christianity (1 John)

The Promise of the Lord’s Return
by Brian Bill

Every day we move closer to Christ’s return.

Text: John 14:3
Sermon Series: A Summer of Promise

What Jesus Would Say to a Muslim
by Brian Bill

I’d like you to picture hundreds of Muslims bowing to the ground in prayer.  What kinds of feelings well up […]

Text: John 14:6
Sermon Series: What Jesus Would Say To...

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?
by Ray Pritchard

There are many good things to be learned from the religions of the world, but there is only one way to God. Jesus is the way.

Text: John 14:6
Sermon Series: Crucial Questions